Is Duolingo totally woke

Duolingo language learning, yes, a great resource, but such a pity that political correctness and forcing DEI (diversity, equality and inclusion) down our throats at every possible opportunity. Learning a…

£1,000 handouts – what next?

Stimulate spending by handing out £1,000 - in effect buying out the next year of £20 increase in benefit. Barmy - like the Eat Out to Help Out scheme that…

Why I am avoiding eBay

Confusing listing, dishonest buyers, rip-off fees ebay is taking the mickey out of us. eBay - think of FEEbay -  used to be a great place to buy and sell,…

The Biased Broadcasting Corporation

BBC = Biased Broadcasting corporation The BBC news specialises in finding people who can whinge and whine. Have you noticed that no matter what news is being reported the BBC…